Highlighting Urban Green Spaces For Education
Outdoor education not only helps students become attuned to their surroundings and gain an appreciation for the natural world, but it also plays an important role in allowing them to apply and observe what they have learned in the classroom. Additionally, it contributes significantly to their personal and social development
Our meeting was held on November 29-30 and December 1, 2022, in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by Eurospeak and attended by all partners.
During this visit, the participants explored the city for possible green and blue spaces that could be used for
outdoor education and note down:
- A description detailing size.
- Location address/coordinates.
- Description of flora and fauna.
- Facilities (café, toilets, lakes, monuments, laying fields, wheelchair access).
This then made up a sort of mini-map that teachers in the area can use to aid their desires for outdoor education.
When the teachers returned home, they could then use this practice to create their own maps of their own local area
which allow both their school and others to achieve successful and stress-free outdoor lessons.